Honoring Grief and Loss: Preparing Our Hearts For the Holidays

The holidays can be rough to navigate, especially if grief and loss have been part of your journey, no matter if that loss happened a long time ago or just the other day.

If you can relate, know that God (however you understand God) holds you as gently as you might hold one of these beautiful eggshells, the story of grieving expressed within. You are seen and known. Your grief is seen and know by the One who loves you so very much.

May you carry this strength of being seen, of your grief being seen, with you into this holiday season. Before you walk out the door to that holiday party or that family gathering, or in those quieter moments, remember that God holds you with tenderness and care, like a fragile Tabiji Eggshell. You are not alone.


Thank you to each person present, for their stories, the beauty they created from their grief, and the chance we had together to honor each one. What a sweet and sacred morning we shared.

"I want to remember the importance of seeing beauty in the midst of grief and reflecting it back by making something beautiful and/or meaningful." - retreat participant


Hey, That’s Us!


Wrapped in the Good of Night: Scarf